Organizations whose primary business is doing projects employ professional project managers, have well worn project management procedures and are culturally project-friendly.

Organizations whose primary business is not project-based still need to do projects, but the management culture is attuned to managing everyday operations. People asked to manage projects in these process-based organizations may be accountants, IT professionals, engineers, medical professionals, etc.

They are not first and foremost project managers. Yet they are expected to manage projects - even major projects that will determine the organization's future - in an environment that may not be project-friendly.

Some project management courses and methodologies start from the presumption that the project team is available and all team members will work full time on the project. In process-based environments this overlooks some of the major challenges that project managers face: for many team members projects are not their "proper job"; they may be assigned to a project for only part of their time and being assigned to a project may be viewed as a career limiting move; senior managers may not always give projects and project managers the support they need.

This training course will cover both the needs of project management as discussed above.

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